Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thank you for the organic turkey that came out of the oven not quite dry. Thank you for the fresh herbs that managed to survive in my garden through two frosts and flavored my stuffing beautifully. Thank you for my Aunt Kathy and her boyfriend Troy who drove three hours to spend the day and a night with us. Thank you for all the laughing, and the beer, and the wine, and those delicious bonbons that didn't set up properly, but were still delicious in an over-soft way. Thank you for my little dog Miles, who got to eat more turkey than is really good for his little doggie self, and thank you for the way he accepted each morsel with a look of abject joy in his brown eyes. Thank you for my husband who chopped and diced and adjusted and stirred and read recipes and followed my instructions with nothing less than saintly patience. Thank you for the quick clean up, and then the lazy evening watching Napoleon Dynamite, an example of real American cinema at its most original. Thank you for the next morning spent talking in depth with my vibrant, intelligent Aunt, and then the lovely lunch we enjoyed at our local greasy spoon. Thank you for the browsing in shops after lunch, and then the return home to my comfy recliner that accepted my tired, overstuffed body like a long lost womb. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Thank you for thanksgiving!


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