Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two books at once.

Usually, I have one idea at a time, and I write that idea, get it polished up, and either decide to submit it, or put it in a drawer. I used to make the mistake of trying to get everything I wrote published, but I no longer think this is such a great idea. Sometimes you hit it out of the park, and sometimes you hit a fowl ball. It's best to keep those fowls hidden away.

Right now, I've got two ideas I really like, two worlds I think are very interesting, and I want to write them both. So far I've been working on one in the morning, and the other in the afternoon. I don't know how long I can keep this up. I don't know if they'll both be fly balls. But right now it's kind of fun juggling books. Each provides a little break from the other.

Probably what will happen is I'll get more excited about one book than the other, and I'll focus on that one. But right now, it's fun to stretch my writing muscles. Plus it gives me something to brag about in my much neglected blog.

So take that! You writers of mere single books at a time. Ha HA!


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