Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Flight of the Conchords

If you have HBO, you've got to tune in to Flight of the Conchords, a hilarious offering starring three New Zealand comics with a completely lovable, self deprecating sense of humor. To call Flight of the Conchords post-modern might be to hem it in too much, but there is a certain self referential quality to the show. It's a musical, and the songs seem to comment on the conventions of contemporary music in a clever, endearing way. Not only that, but they also reveal the more mundane reality that inspires love songs and anthems alike.

Here are some lyrics from one of my favorites:

"Looking at the room,
I can tell that you.
Are the most beautiful girl in the...
(In the whole wide room).
And when you're on the street,
depending on the street.
I bet you are definitely in the top...

At least the Conchords' music is honest.

But the non musical scenes are even funnier. Here is an exchange between Bret and Jemaine, the two members of the band:

Jemaine: Bret's wife can't have kids because... she's not real.

Bret: Well yes, the children do take after her in that respect.

Flight of the Conchords is silly. Probably not for everyone. But if you're a fan of Monty Python, you'll love this kinder, softer, Kiwi version of the same type of deceptively high brow humor. A deeply funny and intelligent show. Check it out!


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